Great read, Dan. Quick comment: Specifically Brazil, I think its more likely that it will gravitate towards the West as brazilians see themselves as westerners. Brazilian involvement with BRICS today is justified by the Workers Party governments historically aligned with a 20th century anti-americanism that is losing steam overtime. I don't see it in 5 years or after Lula's government. So I would add them in the swing states as well. Of course, Brazil is probably not as important as others in the equation though.

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Another great read, glad to see you back writing and active on Twitter. So what would an ideal portfolio look like based off this investment thesis? Obviously heavy in Apple and Microsoft, some in Google. Is it too late to the game to get into Nvidia?

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Jul 3Liked by Dan

This was a great read.

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Jul 3Liked by Dan

Great post, Dan. It’s good for us to keep our eye on the big picture seismic shifts to come in our world, rather than getting bogged down in the immaterial

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Dan

Thank you Dan for this great writeup. Your lucid writing has given structure to a lot of my (similar) thoughts on this topic.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Fantastic read. My biggest disagreement is on “And should the US dollar become a drain on [corporate sovereign’s] operations, beware, for they will act in their own best interests. Should they leave the dollar system, that is what is sustaining US economic power, this is the only thing that would cause real seismic shifts, and it may happen if they seek to become and assert pseudo sovereign status.”

IMO it would be pretty difficult & unexpected for US-based tech companies to abandon USD in lieu of their American employees. I doubt it would be a popular choice, like return to office

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